Website Design

How Can I Update My Website?

There are few indicators more off putting to someone browsing the web than a site that is not up to date. Potential clients will quickly look elsewhere if News is several weeks old or special offers have expired. After all if the organisation doesn’t care enough to maintain a current profile on its site, will it care for you?

The problem can be that it is the wrong sort of website.

It was only a few years ago that every website needed a Webmaster. Only he, or she, had the technical knowledge to change or update the content. He had to be given the new details and find time to implement them. This could mean long delays with employees, parents or members out of the loop and unaware of recent events.

With a Content Management System (CMS) everyone can be an expert. Remember the disruption caused by the snow last winter? In these balmy autumn days it is easy to forget the chaos caused. Teachers at schools with CMS were able to inform parents via their website whether it was possible to open that day. Many of those teachers lived a fair distance from the school but they did not even have to leave home because the secure control panel was accessed through their own web browser, just like any other website and the site was instantly updated from their own online computer. So, no poor secretary had to struggle through the snow to answer umpteen phone calls.

Similarly Estate Agents and Property Services can give potential clients the most up to the minute information on homes available that day. Nothing is more annoying for a house hunter to discover the property they have decided to view is now sold or off the market. Restaurants can add new menus highlighting special offers and occasions. As reservations come in, within minutes, the site can show how many places remain and the event can be removed once it has sold out or the date has passed.

Just a little technical knowledge is required to add text, upload images, documents, and create links to other websites and no special software needs to be installed. What’s more we at Netwise include the training as part of its package when you ask us to design your website. A Content Management System by Netwise will put you in charge.