• Website Design

    Website Contact Page Tips

    Your homepage is your website’s most important page. Your contact page is the second most important. OK, well for e-commerce/shopping cart sites it might be the third or fourth most popular page, but either way your contact page is jolly important. The ultimate purpose of many sites is to encourage potential customers to make contact with you. Think of your contact page as a lead generation form. The key to a successful contact page is simplicity and accessibility. It’s important to include clear contact details. Adding an email link is often a good way to go, but if you want to elicit further information, then you need to be sure…

  • Website Design

    Stand Out with Google Web Fonts

    Text on the Web has been boring for too long. There’s around half a dozen typefaces that most sites tend to use, so it’s about time that the online typeface world gets an upgrade. There has been a lot of recent blogging about Google Web Fonts. Google Web Fonts is a free open source collection of hundreds of fonts that you can include in your Web pages. From its launch in 2010, the collection has soared to over 400 choices. Here are some great reasons why you should use Google Web Fonts: It makes your site stand out from the crowd You can select fonts that better match your real…