Website Design

Ten reasons why YOU need video on your website

Landing page videoMore often nowadays we are seeing video clips on business websites. They shouldn’t be too long; the viewer will get turned off by 50 minutes of “why we are great” and “here’s a description of everything we sell“.

Short (30 second) infomercials are the current thing. Almost everyone has, or knows someone with, a camera that takes short video clips (even cheap mobile camera phones).

Uploading to YouTube is usually the first option but it looks more professional to embed video into your own pages and obviously without an advert appearing for your competitors.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider a video clip on your webpages:

  1. Video proves your track record – Video testimonials from satisfied customers prove you are exactly as good as you say you are. These videos help provide a ‘second opinion’ of you and it is this opinion that your prospects want to hear: not yours. The emotions that can be put across on video with how much you have made a difference to them can not be taken from text on a website and becomes a powerful persuasive sales tool.
  2. Video proves your professionalism – If your business is about you and your staff, how are potential clients supposed to know what you are like as people? if you are professional? if you are friendly? if you would be easy to work with? Video shows exactly what you are like. In staff interviews we ask questions that allows you to show off your professionalism & expertise as well as adding your personality (and sometimes sense of humour). REMEMBER people want to buy from people, not a faceless company.
  3. Video is fast and effective – The average ‘window shopper’ only stays on websites for around 30 seconds to browse through a website. In that short amount of time video can explain who you are, what you do and the benefits of using you whilst introducing staff members and showing off your facilities, products or services in practice. Can your website do that in 30 seconds?
  4. Video is versatile – You can use your video in several different places: your website, YouTube, social media, in email, as DVDs or QR codes in direct mail, in presentations, on screens at exhibitions, on loop in receptions, point of sale displays and more!
  5. Video saves you money – A salesperson’s expenses can be very costly over the course of a year. Using a video can substantially decrease your cost per customer contact as people can see the benefits of products, services or facilities without you having to come out and perform a demonstration or paying for a client to come to you.
  6. Video saves you time: Video is a great way of getting rid of some ‘time wasters’, meaning instead of sending a salesman to every cold lead, send a video they can watch first with a call to action on it. This means anyone who gets in touch afterwards is a serious prospect.
  7. Video lets you sell globally – You can reproduce the video message in any language, via voiceover or subtitles and this allows you to promote yourself to a global market. You can even change accents to voiceovers to target different areas in the same country or different countries that speak the same language.
  8. Video shows you as a modern, forward thinking company – Video is the future of marketing as it is a medium people now prefer. would you rather watch a 60 second video or read 5 pages of text?
  9. Video can be offer extra income – if you provide training or organise seminars / conferences, you can make extra income for your company by letting people who didn’t have chance to attend your training event by selling them an exclusive video instead.
  10. Video now offers value for money: Video is now affordable to most companies as due to the advancement of digital technology, production takes half the time so it now has half the cost! 

If you would like more information on how to embed professional looking video into your website, give us a call.