• Website Design

    Pondering Clean Web Design

    Clean web design is part of an overall design trend towards websites that are intuitive, user-oriented, and minimalist. It means stripping back unnecessary elements and bringing that which is most important to the fore, and arranging it in a way that is clear and concise for the viewer. Doing this while still maintaining the personality and functionality of a website can be a tricky balance, but it is a worthy aspiration. Clean websites look fresh and modern, and will help to fulfil the overall goals of the site. Clean Web Design Tips And Best Practises Clean up the content. Before you can design an efficient website, your content must be…

  • Website Design

    Web Design For Search Engine Rankings

    There are two main viewers who should be catered to in any good web design: your target audience, and search engines. The latter may seem rather strange to some, given that search engines don’t exactly have eyes or a buyer’s agenda. It’s important to realise, however, that search engines do in fact “read” your website in a very specific way. By scanning it and looking for certain criteria, they’re trying to figure out whether your website is a good result to give to people searching for a particular phrase. Knowing these criteria and how to make your site look good to search engines is a crucial part of web design.…