• Security

    Online passwords: keep it complicated

    20 Accounts, 20 Passwords? By now, you probably have about 20 different passwords you’re struggling to remember. There must be an easier way. How do you stay one step ahead of the hackers and still stay sane? Let me hazard a wild guess: the system of passwords you use on the internet for accessing online banking, email, shopping sites, Twitter and Facebook accounts is a mess. You know perfectly well what you ought to be doing: for each site you visit, you should be choosing a different, complex sequence of letters, numbers and symbols, and then memorising it. (That’s rule number one of the conventional wisdom on passwords: never, ever…

  • Website Design

    Ten reasons why YOU need video on your website

    More often nowadays we are seeing video clips on business websites. They shouldn’t be too long; the viewer will get turned off by 50 minutes of “why we are great” and “here’s a description of everything we sell“. Short (30 second) infomercials are the current thing. Almost everyone has, or knows someone with, a camera that takes short video clips (even cheap mobile camera phones). Uploading to YouTube is usually the first option but it looks more professional to embed video into your own pages and obviously without an advert appearing for your competitors. Here are a few reasons why you should consider a video clip on your webpages: Video proves your…

  • Website Design

    Designing a Landing Page

    The Christmas shopping has begun. People are searching for the best deals and are purchasing more than they have all year. Online advertising can be a great tool in order to get the word out about your special offers and landing pages can be a great tool to help those eager customers convert. Let’s start with the basics. A landing page is, in the most general form, a page that a visitor views after clicking on a link. This could be your home page or any other page on your site, but I would like to focus on custom pages. We previously discussed why landing pages are so valuable and how they…

  • Blogging

    Blog Post Writing Tips

    One of the best ways to improve your site’s SEO and get higher rankings is by maintaining a blog. A good blog will both prove to Google that your site is high-quality, and create content that is more likely to be shared on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. It’s also a great way to provide extra information to viewers, stuff that doesn’t quite fit onto the site. Of course, setting up the blog is the easy part. Figuring out what to say can be much trickier. It’s the content that will boost your SEO, so it’s essential that what you’re writing is clear, easy-to-read and above all, useful. You…

  • Website Design

    Mobile Friendly Websites

    The days when we needed desktops and laptops to surf the internet are totally behind us. The Internet today has moved from just being accessed from the desks to being with us anywhere and everywhere we go. Mobile Phones with internet access today has become the most basic amenity of any household. This has also give rise to the term “Internet at your fingertips” or “Internet on the go”. The internet on mobile has also moved on from GPRS to GPRS edge to 3G to 4G. In some countries users today have access to the 4G LTE(Long Term Evolution). Some of the top trends of the year like the Instagram…